First — I have been an activist for years. I have also been involved in the media AND the medical vertical. I devoted 4 months to researching BS — including talking to people that worked with him throughout the years. He has a dark past — and it basically a lazy loudmouth. I have people that have been sick and died before ACA and people that have benefited from it. And no- there is nothing ‘good’ about BS and his stump speech. He has been a true socialist most of his life — and while I defend Democratic socialism, I don’t defend what he is interested in. You need to do your own research — start with the rape essays and his stint with the Sandanistas chanting “here there everywhere, Yankees will die.” As far as “people of color” He really has no interest — all talk. He lives in one of the whitest states in the country and has never had any people of color working for him there. Research first